Tension No. 2
Continuing the current series of abstract paintings, I created “Tension No. 2” This painting is inspired by cityscapes I’ve painted in the past put through the orange abstract filter I am currently working on.Continue Reading
Tension No. 1
First in a series of purely abstract and mostly orange paintings. I will be trying out different ideas of merging plein air and other representational painting styles into abstract art with the bold lines and colors I enjoy.Continue Reading
His Favorite Chair, B&W and Color
Last year I worked on a series of painting based on old photos, I called them my Random Vending Machine Photo Series. One photo in black and white is of a man sitting in a chair with his legs crossed looking down at something in his lap, no light behindContinue Reading
Downtown Theater
I did a plein air painting of the theater in downtown Burbank a few months ago. It was very rough and sat unfinished on the easel. Usually I would study a photo from the scene to sharpen up the painting and help the composition, but I neglected to take aContinue Reading
Downtown Transit Station
Here is the finished painting of the transit station I started last month. The building is painted green and is designed in an art deco style. Inside there are vending machines and bike lockers.Continue Reading
Painting the nearly empty transit station
I snuck out to the downtown transit station to paint today. The station is done in bright green art deco style. There were more pidgeons than people passing through today.Continue Reading
Downtown Burbank
I started this painting en plein air earlier this year from a parking structure that overlooks the street in downtown Burbank. I spent some time today finishing it up in my style.Continue Reading
Backyard Grill
Due to the interesting times we are living in, I was painting in the backyard today.Continue Reading