Saturday August 13, 2022 9:00am: Our painting and sketching group met in downtown Los Angeles at the Central Market. Our mission was to paint and sketch the Central Market, Angels Flight, and the Bradbury Building. Luckily, all three of these iconic Los Angeles landmarks are in the same area. I decided my best bet was to paint Angels Flight. It was outside and I could spend time there and not cause a traffic jam. Leaving the Central Market, I was excited when I spotted the world’s shortest railway with its joyous bright orange paint with black trim. I took the stairs up to get a close look at the rail cars. At the top I wished I rode up because by then it was very warm and my backpack was getting heavy. I found a spot off to the side in a “Smoking Section” with some sparse trees providing thin shade.
I painted for about three hours. The light was brighter than expected because an extra ray of sunlight was bouncing of a nearby skyscraper onto the scene. That it why in my painting the shadow has a light and dark shade. There are too many little details I wanted to depict but could not. The idea was to capture the essence of Angels Flight with a more impressionist style. Thank you to my Meetup painting group for arranging and the manager of Angels Flight for letting us paint there!